APM Homeless Services provide long-term aid to those facing housing insecurity.

Through housing assistance and other services, we equip individuals with the tools needed for successful independent living.

Program participants gain confidence and hope through drug and alcohol counseling, life skills training, language skills development and job experience. We’re proud to have placed 114 formerly homeless families in permanent supportive housing, with 100 percent of them achieving housing stability.

The following programs uplift residents through case management and subsidies for rent and utilities, while encouraging involvement in the community.

  • Permanent Supportive Housing (Hogar, Hogareño, SERÁ and Abriendo Caminos) is a tenant- and project-based rental assistance program that gives long-term housing and case management support to the most vulnerable. Participation is by referral only from Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services through their system of Coordinated Entry. Call 267.460.5832.
  • Targeted Case Management connects our case managers with those living with serious mental illness and other co-occurring conditions to provide housing supports through the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA). Participation is by referral only through the Philadelphia Transitions, Integrations and Partnerships Unit. Call 267.331.4935.
  • Eviction Prevention assists tenants and homeowners threatened with eviction. Call 267.460.5736.

We also have a limited number of housing options available for individuals diagnosed with co-occurring disorders, including substance use, mental health and/or HIV/AIDS.

  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA or La Casa Project) assists those with HIV/AIDS and their families who may not need housing but rather help with accessing services. This includes supports related to the COVID-19 crisis. Tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA) is available for a limited number of persons. Call 267.460.5736.