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How to integrate with rise.ai

In Opinew, you can integrate along with rise.ai to create custom triggers for sending emails with gift cards for customers who leave reviews.

Here’s how to do it:

Go to Integrations and Experts -> Integrations and click on the rise.ai integration card, then select Enable rise.ai integration:

Once done, go to your rise.ai dashboard and go to Loyalty and rewards, and at the botton select Create your own:

Once there, on Select trigger click on Create your own:

Now on Name your trigger type customer left a review on Opinew, and create the following variables exactly as shown by clicking on Add variable right below Customer Email (you can copy and paste the names and paths from the snippet below):

Name: review               Type: Text         Path: review
Name: review_star_rating   Type: Number       Path: review_star_rating
Name: is_photo_review      Type: True/False   Path: is_photo_review

Keep an eye on review_star_rating with Type: Number and is_photo_review with type True/False.

Once you do that your variables should look like this:

And your Http body below must look exactly as this:

	"customer_email": "Example@Example.com",
	"review": "Example text",
	"review_star_rating": 1234,
	"is_photo_review": "true/false"

If so, click on Copy and paste the Http body back on Opinew, on the Your Rise AI custom payload field:

Like this:

Back on rise.ai, click Create trigger:

Then the following window will show up. Click on Copy and paste the URL back on Opinew in the second field that says Your Rise AI custom trigger URL:

Then don’t forget to click Save.

Great! Your custom trigger info has been saved on Opinew. Now you can customize the flow back in rise.ai:

Select the trigger you just created and then on the right select Add action. Now you can choose between adding a delay, customer tags or issue store credit.

Now on the left if you click on Issue store credit, you can select the type and amount you want to grant. Then on Notifications you’ll be able to customize your email. You can even use the variables created before for the trigger by clicking on See variables:

To use them just click to copy them and use them on your email as you want.

When you’re done, enable the workflow and click on Save:

That’s it! Now every time customers leave a review on your shop the will get the reward of your choice.

You can even set workflows with conditions based on review_star_rating or is_photo_review if you want to give better rewards based on them. Some ideas are to give better rewards to customers who leave reviews with photos or 5 star reviewers, like this:

Updated on March 10, 2023
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