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How to integrate with Salesforce

In Opinew, you can integrate along with Salesforce to get a custom notification when a review is left on your store. These notifications will show up on your main dashboard notification icon.

Here’s how to do it:

In order to get the notifications, you first need to create a custom app on Salesforce. Please follow this steps:

Type ‘App manager’ on the quick find box and click it.

After that, click on ‘New Connected App’

In the next step fill the required information, you can name your app as you want and place your email:

  • On the next section please select the following configuration:
  • Select ‘Enable Oauth settings’
  • On ‘Callback url’ please type https://localhost
  • On ‘Selected Oauth scopes’ select Full Access
  • Then select the next 2 options

Then you can leave the rest of the informatino empty and click Save. On the next page, click on Manage consumer details

Great! There you will see your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

Copy them and place them on your Salesforce integration page, right after placing your domain, email apnd password like this:

After that please head to Manage connected apps on Salesforce and on your app, click Edit:

Then on Oauth policies please select Relax IP Restrictions and click Save:

Awesome! Lastly, we will need a custom notification ID. Here’s how to get it:

Type custom notifications on the quick find box and click it.

Then click on New and fill the fields, when finished click save:

Now click on the Gear icon in the top right corner and click on ‘Developer Console’ to open it.

In the bottom panel, click on Query Editor tab and check the “Use Tooling API” checkbox, and execute the following query:

Select Id,CustomNotifTypeName from CustomNotificationType

There you will find Your Salesforce custom notification ID. Copy it and paste it on your Salesforce integration page in Opinew. Finally click Save.

That’s it! Now every tome customers leave a review on Opinew, a new notification will show up on your Salesforce page on the bell icon.

Updated on July 28, 2022
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